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General Resources

EBSCOhost Research Databases – starting point for finding articles in magazines and journals
Worldbook Encyclopedia – online version of the popular encyclopedia, with link to the Spanish version.
Khan Academy – The portal to free online courses, lessons and practice.


Absolute Shakespeare – everything you want to know about the Bard’s plays, characters, quotes, sonnets, and more
SparkNotes – not a substitute for reading the book, but a useful tool for helping you understand the plot, themes, and characters in noteworthy novels
NovelistPlus – great too for readers. Search a favorite author or book to discover other authors and books you might like. Search by genre, plot, characters, time periods, etc.

Sources for Statistics

Statistical Abstracts of the United States – the U.S. government is the best source for statistics on all areas of American life – this has the most useful statistics along with notes for finding more detailed data elsewhere
U.S. Census – best site for U.S. population, housing, economic and geographic data
Business Statistics (BLS) – business data on employment, unemployment, salaries, consumer price index, productivity and more.

Citing Works in a Research Paper

Be sure to check formats for citing the various forms of online resources (databases, websites, etc)
Purdue Online Writing Lab

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