All Westchester residents may apply for a library card, free of charge. Two pieces of identification with proof of current residency are required. Additionally, minors are required to have their parents or guardians present to sign the application form, prove residency, and acknowledge responsibility for materials borrowed.
Who may borrow from the Westchester Public Library?
- All patrons with a valid Westchester Public Library card or a library card from another public library participating in the SWAN online catalog system;
- All other patrons with a valid library card from another public library provided they register to have a patron record on the SWAN online catalog system;
- Chicago Public Library cardholders may apply for borrowing privileges at Westchester Public Library, provided they present a valid Chicago Public Library card and two forms of identification verifying Chicago residency;
- Non-resident owners of taxable Westchester property or businesses may apply for borrowing privileges at Westchester Public Library. These “LOCAL USE ONLY” cards will be issued upon completion of an application form, presentation of proper identification and a current tax bill, or upon presentation of proper identification and letter on the business’s stationary requesting such service, signed by a business owner or officer;
- Only one card will be issued for each taxable parcel or business; the card expires after 1 year, and is renewable.
For further information, please call (708) 562-3573 or speak with our Circulation Department staff.