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Gifts, memorials or monetary donations to the Library
Many patrons have donated money to the Library for purchase of library materials or equipment to honor a friend or relative. Library staff will help you choose appropriate items to honor your loved one. A library plate acknowledging your gift is placed in or on each item added to the collection. Please call (708) 562-3573 and ask for a librarian for more information.

Donations of used books and other materials
Westchester Public Library welcomes your donations of books, audio books, CDs, videos and DVDs in good condition. Selected items will be added to our library collection. Others will be given to the Friends of the Library for resale on their perpetual bookshelf in the Library. All proceeds benefit the Westchester Public Library. You may receive a receipt for tax purposes. Donations can be made at the Library, however, please call in advance if you have a large amount. Appraisals for the value of donated materials are not provided.

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